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Join date: Aug 7, 2022


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Hello everyone,

My name is Timothy Mahoney. I am 25 years old and I am here to learn and share what I know. Now, there are many people here that have so much more life and work experience then me, but I believe that I have done a good job to maximize my life to this point. I have a four year degree in business. I got that while playing all four years of college football. I then landed a great job with a conveyor belt company where I found I love working with my hands and being in business. This has sparked a passion for more education around this line of work. As my "part-time job" I am a Combat Medic for the U.S. Army. This is completely different from my civilian life, and I want it that way for a reason. I hope I can be useful and share what I know to help everyone here.

Dylan Mahoney

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